

Death to Spies

2009年8月7日 — This is a third-person stealth-action game describing the activities of the SMERSH, the most mysterious secret service agency of World War II.

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

2023年5月11日 — This is a third-person stealth-action game describing the activities of the SMERSH, the most mysterious secret service agency of World War II.

間諜暗殺遊戲Death to Spies: Moment of Truth簡評

是款可以拿來好好消磨一整個禮拜無聊時光的好遊戲。 *裡面德軍、蘇軍都說得一口字腔正圓的德語、俄語喔! 連過場對話都是原音重現,這點在以英語係為主的市場上實在難得!